Tourist site of the Dnipro city region.
The city is very warm in summer (average daily temperature in July is +25-27 C)
and cold in the winter (aver. day temp. is -3-4 C).
Best time for visiting is in the late spring - the late April, May (nice nature
and fresh air), first part of June, and early in autumn: September and October
(beauty of town's yellow parks). Period of rains is normal in the middle of autumn.
Other times are mainly dry with a few showers or storms in the summer time. More
info about climate.
Central street of the city has the name of Dmytro Yavornytsky (famous Ukrainian historian, archaeologist, ethnographer, folklorist, and lexicographer). It is a very beautiful, wide and long parkway, which stretches east to west through the central part of the city. It was founded in the XVIII century and parts of its buildings are the actual decoration of the city. In the nucleus of the city is Soborna square, on which is the majestic Cathedral that was founded by order of Katherine II (Russian empress) in 1787.
the square, there are some remarkable buildings: the Museum of History,
Diorama "Battle for the Dnieper River (Second World War)", and also the
beautiful park in which you can rest in the hot summer. Walking down the hill
to the Dnieper River, you will arrive in the large Taras Shevchenko Park (which
is on the right bank of the river) and on Monastyrskiy Island. This island is
one of the most interesting places in the city. In the IX century, the Byzantian
monks based a monastery here. It was destroyed by Mongol-Tatars in the XIII century.
The compact "old town" does not exist in Dnipropetrovsk anymore. Many historic
buildings and churches were destroyed in the Second World War and in Stalin's
communist times in the 1930s. (You can see pictures of the old city of the 19th
century Yekaterinoslav here).
all of Central Avenue, some street-blocks on the main hill (the Nagornaya part)
between Pushkina Prospekt and Embankment, and sections near Globy and Shevchenka
parks have been untouched for 150 years. An evening walk through those parts of
the city is very pleasurable...
The Dnieper River is a wonderful creation of nature that keeps the climate mild
and the air fresh. You can see it from many points in Dnepropetrovsk. From any
hill (there are 7 in the city) you will find a beautiful view of the river, islands,
parks, outskirts, river banks and hills.
There was no need to build huge skyscrapers in the
city in Soviet times. Powerful industries preferred to construct offices close
to their main factories away from the centre of town. In the last ten years of
independence the price of land in Ukraine has grown considerably. All the new
office buildings are being built in the same architectural style as the old buildings....
Shopping and souvenirs
The central avenue is the main trade artery of the city. There are plenty of shops
and cafes of different sizes and for different income levels. The abundance of
trade points can be observed also in several streets and squares contiguous to
the Prospekt in the area around the Central Department Store (TSUM)
- the biggest market place in the city.
To buy souvenirs, the best site is Exhibition on the boulevard across from TSUM.
Large supermarkets are located far from the central part of the city; mostly in
residential areas.
Globy Central Park, Shevchenka Park, Embankments, river beaches and islands
are the favorite places of most of the townspeople. During the summer there are
a great number of cafes along the wide Dnieper River (1 km. width approx.), on
main streets, and in the parks.
The comprehansive city history overview is here >>>
The City Opera and Ballet Theatre, Russian and Ukrainian Drama theatres,
some Youth theatres, and Circus are waiting for you all year round.
Some museums and exhibition halls are always open for you.The largest and most
popular is the Historical Museum named for Dmitry Yavornitsky. The Museum of Art
has quite a good collection of pictures representing different styles and epoch.