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Днепр » Афиша
чт, 21 ноября 2024

The Prestige

The Prestige

Drama, Thriller & Adaptation

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine, David Bowie

135 min.

Rated: PG-13 for violence & disturbing images

Are You Watching Closely?
2 Oscar Award Nominations... It all begins in rapidly changing, turn-of- the-century London. At a time when magicians are idols and celebrities of the highest order, two young magicians set out to carve their own paths to fame. The flashy, sophisticated Robert Angier is a consummate entertainer, while the rough-edged purist Alfred Borden is a creative genius who lacks the panache to showcase his magical ideas. They start out as admiring friends and partners. But when their biggest trick goes terribly awry, they become enemies for life--each intent on outdoing and upending the other. Trick by trick, show by show, their ferocious competition builds until it knows no bounds, even utilizing the fantastical new powers of electricity and the scientific brilliance of radical inventor Nikola Tesla--while the lives of everyone around them hang in the balance.

ACE - American Conversational English. Saturdays, at 4.30 p.m. at Dom Uchionykh (House of Scientists) at 2 Kuibysheva Street, first floor. Moderators - Jeff or Spencer (will take turns). We will not teach you the regular shit they teach at schools, we are gonna let you speak a foreign language. As usual, it's hard to explain - come and see for yourself! UAH15 a person.

Ирочка  (18.11.07 00:50): Фильм просто СУПЕР!Я в восторге!Намного мощнее,чем "Иллюзионист"! Ответить | С цитатой
Dima  (16.11.07 16:03): Классный фильм :) тока я на русском смотрел :) Ответить | С цитатой
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